If you want to join IPL, there are several opportunities.
PhD positions
Students willing to apply for a PhD program in Industrial and Information Engineering (Ingegneria Industriale e dell'Informazione) at the Department of Engineering and Architecture (DIA, Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Architettura) of the University of Trieste are very welcome.
The activity of the IPL research group within this PhD program is normally focussed on signal and image processing, and electronic instrumentation for applied physics.
The main source of information for the PhD program is the Research Doctorate page of the University (Dottorato di Ricerca, i.e. PhD). In the following, some additional information is reported (in particular, with reference to the research activity of our IPL group).
PhD activities last three years, normally starting on November 1st. Selection of candidates is performed in the preceding Spring. The PhD program starting on Nov. 1st, 2022, is called XXXVIII cycle (i.e. 38th cycle).
Admission procedures and schedule:
1. the call for PhD positions ("Bando") is published (both in Italian and in English) around May - please check the University Web site quoted above and the site specifically devoted to calls. Deadline for applications is normally around end of May, half June - please check.
2. selections are carried out during summer. The selections are based on
- the CV of the candidate (studies, possibly publications, etc.), and
- an oral examination, where the candidate is supposed to show that he/she has clear ideas about what a PhD activity means and implies.
Before the selections take place, perspective PhD students interested in the IPL group are suggested to prepare a 2-page summary of the envisioned research activity, agreeing on a topic which is of interest for both the student and IPL. Even better, if the student is able to start a cooperation with the IPL group before the selections, again on some topic which could be of interest for all, this can help both in defining the research project and in improving the mutual knowledge between the student and IPL.
Scholarships (the gross amount is approx. 16.000 euros/year) are available for the students which ranked best in the selections. Normally, students which are not in the top part of the list, but who have anyway been deemed qualified, can attend the PhD program without a scholarship (which means that they must have another income to live with).
PhD students are examined at the end of the first and of the second year, when they have to show their progress in their research activity, and also at the end of the third year, in order to be admitted to the final exam. One more year (without any scholarship, however) can be granted to the student, if needed, in order to complete the research activity.
The final exam is normally scheduled around March of the following year, where the PhD student has to show the results of his/her research activity. Of course, publications on high-level international journals are a good indicator of a successful activity.
Research contracts
Due both to our participation to European or National projects and to our contacts with companies which work in the image processing area, short-term (e.g. one-year) research contracts are occasionally available for graduate students and young researchers. If you are interested, please contact us.
Other scholarships
Some scholarships may be available to stay at the Image Processing Laboratory for just graduated engineers coming from Central/Eastern Europe. More details can be found here. Deadline is autumn each year.
It is also possible to resort to the Marie Curie Fellowship Association