Hardware accelerators based on field programmable gate array (FPGA) and system on chip (SoC) devices have gained attention in recent years. One of the main reasons is that these devices contain reconfigurable logic, which makes them feasible for boosting the performance of applications. High-level synthesis (HLS) tools facilitate the creation of FPGA code from a high level of abstraction using different directives to obtain an optimized hardware design based on performance metrics. However, the complexity of the design space depends on different factors such as the number of directives used in the source code, the available resources in the device, and the clock frequency. Design space exploration (DSE) techniques comprise the evaluation of multiple implementations with different combinations of directives to obtain a design with a good compromise between different metrics. This study is devoted to models, methodologies, and frameworks proposed for metric estimation, FPGA-based DSE, power consumption estimation on FPGA/SoC. It aims at the integration of existing models and frameworks in diverse research areas, identifying the different challenges to be addressed.
Contact: prof. G. Ramponi (ramponi@units.it )